
Make a donation, sponsor a book or dedicate something for a special occasion. Partners in Prayer has lots of opportunities available.


Pairing charity and prayer is a powerful combination. Donate today!

Sefarim Dedications

Dedicate a sefer or part of a sefer to honor someone or something special.

For complete details or questions, contact us.

Price: $0.00


Sponsor a Daily Dose, event, class or customized Loom in honor of someone, a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one.

Monthly Tefillah Class

Monthly tefillah class focuses on mapping out your prayers for greater impact.


Customized Loom Learning

Daily inspiring audio and video programs that will help you reach new heights.


Daily Dose

Choose a day in the Daily Dose between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur
